Detecting machine capabilities is just a matter of course in the MSX world. However, in Spectrum land, there wasn't much crossover with 48 and 128k games. Many just came on seperate tapes (or seperate sides of the tapes) and did not share code.
Some cleverly programmed ones, like Avenger, could detect and run the proper loader.
I tried to disassemble Avenger, but either the dump was bad (it wouldn't load the 128k version) or it uses some trickery I couldn't read. Either way I gave up and searched for my own way.
I couldn't find any discussion on this topic on the net, so I was left to my own devices. I came to realize one clear benchmark for 128 machines is the AY chip. As far as I can tell, no 48k machines had one, and every 128k machine did. Perfect!
Well, I tried a routine that polled the AY I/O port, but it doesn't seem to work. What I did not know is that unbound I/O ports will return floating values - about half the time it returns the value you're checking it against. This makes for very unreliable testing.
The other option is memory paging. I THINK this is what Avenger does - it definitely changes the ROM page to the 48k ROM. I did the following instead:
1. Switch the ROM to page 0 - this is never the 48K ROM on any system, and this code will do nothing on a 48K.
2. Read a byte from the ROM I know is only in 48K - The letter "1" from the string "(C) 1982 ..." should work. There is only one version of the 48K ROM, so unless there's something wrong with the system or emulator, this location in RAM (0x153b) should ONLY return '1' on a 48K system.
3. Compare against 0x31 ("1"), and if it differs, we must be on a NON-48K system. In other words, a 128K system (or a 16K, but hopefully nobody will try to run a 48/128 game on a 16K system).
The code looks like this:
As a side note, a secondary check if you REALLY want to make sure you're not on a 16K should be fairly trivial - just find a string byte that is only in that ROM.
Since I can't find any info on this subject, anyone more knowledgeable is welcome to provide alternate solutions - but for now I like this one.
Side note, the gorgeous color scheme is Cobalt in gedit plus the z80 highlight scheme I found on (install it to a -3.0 folder, not 2.0 like the Readme says).
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Saturday, February 8, 2020
The super annoying Speccy VRAM map and pattern printing
The common way to explain the layout of the ZX Spectrum's pixel orientation on its bitmapped VRAM is often quite convoluted and is oriented towards the values of each bit of the VRAM address - useful for plotting single pixels, but not for batch operations.
The Speccy VRAM can be visualized in a few ways to help understand how it's laid out:
1) Similar to an MSX, the ZX has 3 sets of 256x8x8 blocks arranged in a 32x24 grid. From $4000-$47ff is the first set, $4800-$4fff is the second, and $5000-$57ff is the third.
2) Pixel data is oriented in VRAM as if it were a 2048x24 bitmap (with each byte representing 8 pixels for 256x24 bytes), then the 8x8 tiles were scrunched into 256x192.
Add 1 to H, every 8 add 32 to L and reset H.
(if L rolls over, add 8 to H.)
Add 1 to L.
This layout can do a couple things with the target VRAM address:
1. inc l will increase the pixel X position across 8 rows (256 bytes per page / 32 columns = 8 rows)
2. inc h will increase the pixel Y position within the first 8 rows, plus the row offset from the l register.
3. Flooding VRAM with patterns is really easy and fast:
ld hl, $4000 ; VRAM base
ld b, 12 ; 2 rows per loop * 12 = 24 rows
ld a, %01010101 ; pixel pattern row 1
ld [hl], a
inc l
jr nz, .loop_a
inc h
ld a, %10101010 ; pixel pattern row 2
ld [hl], a
inc l
jr nz, .loop_b
inc h
dec b
jr nz, .printloop
The Speccy VRAM can be visualized in a few ways to help understand how it's laid out:
1) Similar to an MSX, the ZX has 3 sets of 256x8x8 blocks arranged in a 32x24 grid. From $4000-$47ff is the first set, $4800-$4fff is the second, and $5000-$57ff is the third.
2) Pixel data is oriented in VRAM as if it were a 2048x24 bitmap (with each byte representing 8 pixels for 256x24 bytes), then the 8x8 tiles were scrunched into 256x192.
Add 1 to H, every 8 add 32 to L and reset H.
(if L rolls over, add 8 to H.)
Add 1 to L.
This layout can do a couple things with the target VRAM address:
1. inc l will increase the pixel X position across 8 rows (256 bytes per page / 32 columns = 8 rows)
2. inc h will increase the pixel Y position within the first 8 rows, plus the row offset from the l register.
3. Flooding VRAM with patterns is really easy and fast:
ld hl, $4000 ; VRAM base
ld b, 12 ; 2 rows per loop * 12 = 24 rows
ld a, %01010101 ; pixel pattern row 1
ld [hl], a
inc l
jr nz, .loop_a
inc h
ld a, %10101010 ; pixel pattern row 2
ld [hl], a
inc l
jr nz, .loop_b
inc h
dec b
jr nz, .printloop
ZX Spectrum: 1942 loader detokening and .TAP format assembly
.TAP format is much easier to work with than .TZX, which seems to mainly be for duplication.
.TAP structure is simply a series of headers and file data to create a file listing. Header-data, header-data, header-data. A header is always 19 bytes long, but the length of the data block can be up to 64k.
Visualized, it looks like this:
| TAP block header |
| |
| Header data |
| (19 bytes) |
| |
|---<Checksum byte>----|
| TAP block header |
| |
~ Data bytes ~
| |
| |
|---<Checksum byte>----|
for each file on a tape.
Each header and data block has its own 3-byte mini-header as specified by the .TAP format. It's very simple:
; 3 byte block header:
DW BlockSize
DB BlockType
; then data
; (...) followed by
DB ChecksumByte
If the BlockType is 0x00 (indicating a header block), then BlockSize will always be 19 (in sequence 13h 00h). Headers are 17 bytes long, and the BlockType and ChecksumByte are added to the BlockSize length to get 19.
If BlockType is 0xFF (255 or -1, indicating a data block), then BlockSize is the size of the data block (plus two bytes for BlockType and ChecksumByte).
Header blocks look like this:
DB FileType
DW DataSize
DW Parameter1
DW Parameter2
FileType can be 0, 1, 2 or 3. BASIC data can be stored as types 1 or 2, but we are concerned with type 0 -- BASIC program -- and type 3 -- CODE (aka assembly).
The filename must be padded with 0x20 to 10 bytes.
DataSize is the size of the data to load. All I know is that this value is generally 2 less than the BlockSize in the following data header.
When FileType is BASIC program (0):
Parameter1 is the LINE parameter when SAVEing the program. I actually have not gotten this to work, and since 1942 keeps it at 0, I do as well.
Parameter2 is the location of the start of the working area of BASIC variables. A bootloader generally does not have variables, so in these cases, this value is actually the same as BlockSize (or, DataSize+2).
When FileType is CODE (3):
Parameter1 is the target memory address (e.g. the first parameter after CODE), and
Parameter2 is ALWAYS 8000h. Not explained why.
And finally, the checksum byte. This isn't a checksum per se, so much as it is a bit toggling of all the bytes in the block, minus the header (including FileType). Start with the FileType flag byte and xor it with each successive byte, then store the final result in ChecksumByte.
For the data block, this is calculated for me using a Python script post-assembly with the following code:
chk = 0xff # start with flag byte
i = -1 # which is one byte behind
while i < len(inbytes)-1:
chk = chk ^ inbytes[i+1]
i += 1
And of course data blocks are simply raw data.
The trick was getting a BASIC stub to auto-run when you play the tape (harder than it seems when you're doing all the bytes by hand) and have that stub clear RAM and load/run the assembly program we want.
I couldn't figure out how to save a .TAP from the "speccy" emulator, so I had no choice but to open up a .TAP of 1942 and see what was up.
The first TAP header block in 1942 looks like this:
DW $0013 ; size in bytes
DB 0 ; type 0 = header
; then the header data:
DB 0 ; 0 = BASIC program
DS "1942 " ; filename
DW 185 ; file size
DW 0 ; autostart line
DW 185 ; basic vars loc
DB $0f ; checksum byte
Then, the data block. This is where I had to detokenize the program by hand, and figure some stuff out for myself.
The listing of the 1942 loader ended up looking like this:
10 BORDER 0:POKE 23624,0:POKE 23693,0:CLEAR 25592:POKE 23739,111
40 POKE 23739,244:RANDOMIZE USR 25593
50 REM etc
1942 loads itself into $63f9 - contended memory, but a good starting point all the same.
As a point of interest, 23624 ($5c48) is BRDCLR, 23693 ($5c8d) is ATTR_P, and 23739 ($5cbb) is CURCHL. These correspond to a border color mirror, an attribute byte I need to investigate, and the currently selected IO channel.
This, along with the .TAP disassembly, was enough to get me started -- the basics are use CLEAR n-1, LOAD "" CODE, and RANDOMIZE USR n.
(Note that the best way to check the value of a token in any native BASIC version is to use PRINT CHR$(n). BASIC tokens don't overlap the standard ASCII byte space, so n is almost always > 127.)
First, explaining the Spectrum BASIC line format:
DW LineNo ; Big-endian!
DW LineOffset ; Bytes until next LineNo
( ... ) ; (listing)
DB $0d ; endline
The important thing here is that the single 0x0d byte represents endline in Spectrum BASIC. ZX80/81 use a different endline (0x76, maybe?). Don't look for 00 00 as endline or 00 00 00 for EOF like on other systems - afaict there is no concept of EOF in ZX BASIC.
A large difference between Sinclair and other BASICs is that Sinclair wastes a ton of space on storing numbers as strings, but condenses all spaces automatically. Here is the hex listing for my very short loader program:
13 00 00 00 4C 4F 41 44 45 52 20 20 20 20 2C 00
00 00 2C 00 11 2E 00 FF 00 0A 0D 00 FD 32 35 35
39 32 0E 00 00 F8 63 00 0D 00 14 05 00 EF 22 22
AF 0D 00 1E 0E 00 F9 C0 32 35 35 39 33 0E 00 00
F9 63 00 0D 70
And the corresponding BASIC:
10 CLEAR 32767
CLEAR 32767 This sets BASIC's HIMEM to 7fffh. Doing this tells the ZX that the next time we load bytes from tape, they should go to the byte after this address (8000h).
LOAD "" CODE This is equivalent to "Load the next file available from tape as an assembly program (to the lowest point in memory I've allotted)". This will load the next chunk of data pointed to by a .TAP header in the .TAP file as a binary to 8000h.
RANDOMIZE USR 32768 This is, for some reason, the common way to start machine language routines on the speccy. This is equivalent to "JP $8000".
The tricky part here is that immediately after string numerical constants (which are stored as ASCII), they are followed with byte 0x0e (integral modifier byte) and then stored as:
DB 0
DB PolarityByte
DW IntValue
DB 0
Such that 25592 becomes 11 bytes(!!):
32 35 35 39 32 0e 00 00 f8 63 00
Also, the final line, RANDOMIZE USR n, is the sequence of bytes f9 c0. Whenever you see this in Spectrum BASIC its a CALL/JP command.
As mentioned above, I wrote a Python script to calculate the checksum bytes for me. Running it on the BASIC stub binary and a compiled asm binary I resulted in two .TAP files: one for the BASIC loader, and one for the hello world program.
.TAP is brilliant because you can $cat a.tap b.tap > ./c.tap and suddenly have a complete tape file. I tested b.tap with this binary code, assembling as-is with nothing else:
%org $8000
xor a
ld [WorkRAM_a], a
ld a, [WorkRAM_a]
inc a
cp 8
jr nz, .ok
xor a
ld [WorkRAM_a], a
out [ZX_IOPORT], a
jp Loop
WorkRAM_a: rb 1
And it worked! With a little bit more work and bash nonsense, I have a one-click script that will assemble a ZX Spectrum .TAP image (with loader!) to an address I specify from a single assembly listing.
Comment if you are interested in learning more.
.TAP structure is simply a series of headers and file data to create a file listing. Header-data, header-data, header-data. A header is always 19 bytes long, but the length of the data block can be up to 64k.
Visualized, it looks like this:
| TAP block header |
| |
| Header data |
| (19 bytes) |
| |
|---<Checksum byte>----|
| TAP block header |
| |
~ Data bytes ~
| |
| |
|---<Checksum byte>----|
for each file on a tape.
Each header and data block has its own 3-byte mini-header as specified by the .TAP format. It's very simple:
; 3 byte block header:
DW BlockSize
DB BlockType
; then data
; (...) followed by
DB ChecksumByte
If the BlockType is 0x00 (indicating a header block), then BlockSize will always be 19 (in sequence 13h 00h). Headers are 17 bytes long, and the BlockType and ChecksumByte are added to the BlockSize length to get 19.
If BlockType is 0xFF (255 or -1, indicating a data block), then BlockSize is the size of the data block (plus two bytes for BlockType and ChecksumByte).
Header blocks look like this:
DB FileType
DW DataSize
DW Parameter1
DW Parameter2
FileType can be 0, 1, 2 or 3. BASIC data can be stored as types 1 or 2, but we are concerned with type 0 -- BASIC program -- and type 3 -- CODE (aka assembly).
The filename must be padded with 0x20 to 10 bytes.
DataSize is the size of the data to load. All I know is that this value is generally 2 less than the BlockSize in the following data header.
When FileType is BASIC program (0):
Parameter1 is the LINE parameter when SAVEing the program. I actually have not gotten this to work, and since 1942 keeps it at 0, I do as well.
Parameter2 is the location of the start of the working area of BASIC variables. A bootloader generally does not have variables, so in these cases, this value is actually the same as BlockSize (or, DataSize+2).
When FileType is CODE (3):
Parameter1 is the target memory address (e.g. the first parameter after CODE), and
Parameter2 is ALWAYS 8000h. Not explained why.
And finally, the checksum byte. This isn't a checksum per se, so much as it is a bit toggling of all the bytes in the block, minus the header (including FileType). Start with the FileType flag byte and xor it with each successive byte, then store the final result in ChecksumByte.
For the data block, this is calculated for me using a Python script post-assembly with the following code:
chk = 0xff # start with flag byte
i = -1 # which is one byte behind
while i < len(inbytes)-1:
chk = chk ^ inbytes[i+1]
i += 1
And of course data blocks are simply raw data.
The trick was getting a BASIC stub to auto-run when you play the tape (harder than it seems when you're doing all the bytes by hand) and have that stub clear RAM and load/run the assembly program we want.
I couldn't figure out how to save a .TAP from the "speccy" emulator, so I had no choice but to open up a .TAP of 1942 and see what was up.
The first TAP header block in 1942 looks like this:
DW $0013 ; size in bytes
DB 0 ; type 0 = header
; then the header data:
DB 0 ; 0 = BASIC program
DS "1942 " ; filename
DW 185 ; file size
DW 0 ; autostart line
DW 185 ; basic vars loc
DB $0f ; checksum byte
Then, the data block. This is where I had to detokenize the program by hand, and figure some stuff out for myself.
The listing of the 1942 loader ended up looking like this:
10 BORDER 0:POKE 23624,0:POKE 23693,0:CLEAR 25592:POKE 23739,111
40 POKE 23739,244:RANDOMIZE USR 25593
50 REM etc
1942 loads itself into $63f9 - contended memory, but a good starting point all the same.
As a point of interest, 23624 ($5c48) is BRDCLR, 23693 ($5c8d) is ATTR_P, and 23739 ($5cbb) is CURCHL. These correspond to a border color mirror, an attribute byte I need to investigate, and the currently selected IO channel.
This, along with the .TAP disassembly, was enough to get me started -- the basics are use CLEAR n-1, LOAD "" CODE, and RANDOMIZE USR n.
(Note that the best way to check the value of a token in any native BASIC version is to use PRINT CHR$(n). BASIC tokens don't overlap the standard ASCII byte space, so n is almost always > 127.)
First, explaining the Spectrum BASIC line format:
DW LineNo ; Big-endian!
DW LineOffset ; Bytes until next LineNo
( ... ) ; (listing)
DB $0d ; endline
The important thing here is that the single 0x0d byte represents endline in Spectrum BASIC. ZX80/81 use a different endline (0x76, maybe?). Don't look for 00 00 as endline or 00 00 00 for EOF like on other systems - afaict there is no concept of EOF in ZX BASIC.
A large difference between Sinclair and other BASICs is that Sinclair wastes a ton of space on storing numbers as strings, but condenses all spaces automatically. Here is the hex listing for my very short loader program:
13 00 00 00 4C 4F 41 44 45 52 20 20 20 20 2C 00
00 00 2C 00 11 2E 00 FF 00 0A 0D 00 FD 32 35 35
39 32 0E 00 00 F8 63 00 0D 00 14 05 00 EF 22 22
AF 0D 00 1E 0E 00 F9 C0 32 35 35 39 33 0E 00 00
F9 63 00 0D 70
And the corresponding BASIC:
10 CLEAR 32767
CLEAR 32767 This sets BASIC's HIMEM to 7fffh. Doing this tells the ZX that the next time we load bytes from tape, they should go to the byte after this address (8000h).
LOAD "" CODE This is equivalent to "Load the next file available from tape as an assembly program (to the lowest point in memory I've allotted)". This will load the next chunk of data pointed to by a .TAP header in the .TAP file as a binary to 8000h.
RANDOMIZE USR 32768 This is, for some reason, the common way to start machine language routines on the speccy. This is equivalent to "JP $8000".
The tricky part here is that immediately after string numerical constants (which are stored as ASCII), they are followed with byte 0x0e (integral modifier byte) and then stored as:
DB 0
DB PolarityByte
DW IntValue
DB 0
Such that 25592 becomes 11 bytes(!!):
32 35 35 39 32 0e 00 00 f8 63 00
Also, the final line, RANDOMIZE USR n, is the sequence of bytes f9 c0. Whenever you see this in Spectrum BASIC its a CALL/JP command.
As mentioned above, I wrote a Python script to calculate the checksum bytes for me. Running it on the BASIC stub binary and a compiled asm binary I resulted in two .TAP files: one for the BASIC loader, and one for the hello world program.
.TAP is brilliant because you can $cat a.tap b.tap > ./c.tap and suddenly have a complete tape file. I tested b.tap with this binary code, assembling as-is with nothing else:
%org $8000
xor a
ld [WorkRAM_a], a
ld a, [WorkRAM_a]
inc a
cp 8
jr nz, .ok
xor a
ld [WorkRAM_a], a
out [ZX_IOPORT], a
jp Loop
WorkRAM_a: rb 1
And it worked! With a little bit more work and bash nonsense, I have a one-click script that will assemble a ZX Spectrum .TAP image (with loader!) to an address I specify from a single assembly listing.
Comment if you are interested in learning more.
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